Updated: Friday November 7 11:00 am

This patch includes a feature where the server op can pick a set of levels, and the server will pick from them randomly. But since I started, this patch has grown severely beyond that.

Unfortunately, the only feature that I have worked back into the original Quake CTF is the random maps. Most everything else requires the use of serverinfo variables to toggle, but these aren't available to normal Quake servers.

Features of this patch:

More detailed information is available in the Docs file.

391K CTF 4.2 Randomize Patch

391K CTF 4.21 Randomize Patch

I invite any other CTF mod writers to incorporate any of my changes into their own code. I'd especially be interested to see a Threewave version become available!

By the way, if you ever come across my server with a password attached to it, then the password is probably "blah". If that is the case, then I am in the middle of testing out something new, logged in as player [The Possum]. Feel free to drop in on me to help debug, but be warned that I might be changing the level repeatedly when I toggle variables..

Known bugs in the beta version: