The Story of Faces
Faces began many years ago when some unknown person using a typewriter put the
first face at the end of a letter. As time went on, other people also began
using faces in their letters, inventing new ones all the time. Later, the world
of faces had expanded into the world of computing through modems...

Faces are drawn sideways. In order to view the face properly, you have to turn
your head to the side and look at it that way.

The first face ever created was  :)  a smile. Other basic faces are created by
combining pairs of eyes with mouths. Here is the basic face set:

   Eyes  : normal            Mouths  ) smile          & tongue tied 1
   ====  ! wink 1            ======  ( frown          $ tongue tied 2
         ; wink 2                    ] funny grin     + kiss 1
         8 eyeglasses                > shy grin       * kiss 2/sour grapes
         B sunglasses 1              [ sad/vampire    O yelling
         H sunglasses 2              < depressed      P pthllthlp
         O scuba mask                D big grin       K whistling
         P eyepatch 1                l groan          h thoughtful
         ? eyepatch 2                ! missing tooth  / crooked mouth
         % stoned/drunk              # big teeth      < mustache
         I squint                    = buck teeth     X whiskers
         = shock                     S smirk

Originally, faces didn't come with noses.  But you can add them to make
your faces more complete if you wish.

   Noses  - normal
   =====  ^ pointy 1/profile
          > pointy 2
          < pointy 3/upturned 1
          C upturned 2
          * sloshed
          o big/clown
          ' little
          : nostrils
          8 pig snout

By combining various eyes and mouths it becomes simple to create almost any
facial expression imaginable.

   Examples  %-( dazed or hung over
   ========  :-/ Jean Chretien
             8D Cookie Monster
             Il Cyclops from the X-Men

Sometimes to create the perfect face, all you need to do is add just the right
touch. Hair or a hat, or some other item. These characters are placed directly
above the set of eyes you have chosen.

   > frown          - Mohawk
   ? hair 1         ( bald
   $ hair 2         E square-head
   & hair 3         + lobotomized
   @ hair 4         Q scuba mask (up)
   S hair 5         d baseball cap
   * messy hair     O halo
   [ crew cut 1    -< pointy hat
   \ parted hair  -=) witch's hat
   t greased hair -=> party hat
   X pony tails   <+I bishop's hat
   2 wavy hair
   l crew cut 2

   Examples  ?:-) Elvis Presley
   ========  E:-I Frankenstein's Monster
             t:-l the Fonz
             @:-( Charlie Brown
             8Do  Cookie Monster (with cookie)
             -:-I Mr. T
             Q:-) Jaques Cousteau
            -<I]  the Tin Man

Other Faces
Even with all of these choices, you may still not have just the right effect.
Use some of the following ideas, or even make up your own...

   :-c   picking nose
   :-'"" smoking 1
   :-'~~ smoking 1
   :-L   smoking a cigar
   CD    belly laugh
   :-))  double chinned
   :->=- man with beard

And Then Some
Sometimes you don't even want to draw somebody's face. You can use these as
inspiration for more...

   <=-<     fish
   =:X      rabbit
   -=<>     Jaws
   *-=>     flower
   *-=<<<-  Christmas tree
   3        mooning
   3=       passing gas/making a pile
   (=       magic mushroom
   :-) :  ) swimming (male)
   :-) 8  ) swimming (female)