Dictionary of Faces
O:-)      angel
(:-)      bald
d:-)      baseball player
:->=-     beard
CD        belly laugh
?-(       black eye 1
?-!       black eye 2
:-=       buck toothed
]8X       cat
@:-(      Charlie Brown
:-#       cheese!
)         Cheshire Cat
*-=<<<-   Christmas tree
t8-)      Clark Kent
8Do       Cookie Monster
B-l       cool dude
*8-<      Cowardly Lion
[:-)      crew cut
I-l       Cyclops from X-Men
%-(       dazed/hung over
:-<       depressed
X:-)      Dorothy
:-))      double chinned
:-L....   drooling
?:-)      Elvis Presley
<=-<      fish
<--<      fish bones
*-=>      flower
t:-l      Fonz
8-)       four eyes
E:-I      Frankenstein's monster
:-(       frown
>:-(      frown (extreme)
*=-O      frightened
:-]       funny grin
-<:)>=-   gnome
><>       goldfish
8:I       gorilla
:-l       groan (bad pun)
B-<       guerilla
&:-)      hair (curly)
t:-)      hair (greased)
*:-)      hair (messy)
\:-)      hair (parted)
$:-)      hair (wavy 1)
S:-)      hair (wavy 2)
Q:-)      Jacques Cousteau
-=<>      Jaws
:-/       Jean Chretien
:-+       kiss 1
:-*       kiss 2/sour grapes
:-D       laugh
+:-)      lobotomized
(=        magic mushroom
:-!       missing tooth
-:-)      Mohawk/Mr T
3         mooning
8:-X      mouse
:         Munchkins
>8-       owl
3=        passing gas/dumping
\:-)      Peter Parker
:-c       picking nose
P-)       pirate
<+I:-)    Pope
:-P       pthllthlp
=:X       rabbit
H-l       rapper
(Il       Robocop
<;-S      Scarecrow
O-)       scuba diver (in water)
Q:-)      scuba diver (out of water)
>   *     seagull
:->       shy grin
:-)       smile
:-'""     smoking 1
:-L       smoking 2
(8)       Spider Man
:-b   .*  spitting
):3=      steer
<<<8X<    squid
2:-)      Superman
:-) 8  )  swimming (female)
:-) :  )  swimming (male)
-=-+-     sword
>[]       television
:-h       thoughtful/picking teeth
-<I]      Tin Man
:-&       tongue tied 1
:-$       tongue tied 2
>:X       Toto
:-O *     up chuck
:-[       vampire
:-K       whistling
-=):^(    Wicked Witch of the West
!-)       wink 1
;-)       wink 2
<]:-<     Wizard of Oz
:-O       yelling